Leaving My Comfort Zone
A few months ago, I hopped over the border from introvert to extravert. At least in theory. And I assure you, only temporarily. I clicked...
Book Review: Breaking Vases by Dima Ghawi
Have you ever read a biography and felt the author became a friend you’d like to hang out with at Starbucks? Dima Ghawi is the author I’d...
Note to Nurses
I am not a nurse. I wasn’t born with the genes for nursing, but I work alongside nurses each day. They’re busy from the second they clock...
From the Branches
FROM THE BRANCHES By Frances Judge Memories dangle from the branches of our decked-out tree; gold bead garland snakes around treasures...
This is Us After Thanksgiving
Post-thanksgiving, when the turkey carcass had been thrown away, the grease cleaned off the counters, and hundreds of dishes washed, I...
My Shopping Nightmare
If you have ever watched the 1980's movie Terms of Endearment, you must remember that humiliating scene at the supermarket. That was me...
Linger, Learn, Laugh & Love
Dinner time used to annoy me. I get squeamish touching and smelling raw meat, but I can deal with that phobia. My annoyance had less to...
When Tomorrow Doesn't Follow Yesterday's Plan
“…yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes....
When asked if I have kids, I answer yes. They are still my kids even if three of them are in their twenties, and two are teenagers. The...
"Those Days"
Ever have one of those days? The kind that makes you wonder if there is a reason for the dark cloud hovering over you; words you don’t...